Writing about my art isn’t always an easy task.  I find it hard to explain why I made a specific mark or used a certain color. I like to think all those choices were made instinctively rather than by some direction of how it “should” be.

My style changes with every artist I study. I take from them that which has drawn my attention in hopes of making what I create more appealing to others. Therefore, making sales.

I know, sales are not supposed to be the reason for art, but come on, let’s be real. I have a studio, I pay rent. My art and my classes pay that rent. I need supplies to keep this beautiful habit going and to offer my classes with all supplies included. My art and my classes pay for those supplies. So, yes, I paint with a buyer in mind.

Let me rephrase that. I decide on what to paint with a buyer in mind. After that it goes back to instinct, talent, knowledge etc.

The “what” gives me a starting point. I have a buyer who likes blues and purples…good colors to work in. Another likes my small works…quick work on a short day. Others tell me they like a particular mark I make like the circles or the fake writing or the line of small dots…so I use these marks often.

When I paint on commission, I am creating with my talent and their idea. Thus, painting with a buyer in mind.

When I take part in sidewalk sales, I pay attention to the remarks of the attendees. I log what has sold. At the next event, I make sure to include all that info into what I create.

Yes, sometimes I get that funny twinge when I say to myself, “What can I paint that will sell.” And often, that statement makes it very hard for me to get started. So, I have been trying to remember to ask myself the following.

What did people like about the piece at my last show?

What kind of comments did I get when I put my piece up on social media?

These two questions get me started, then all that other stuff keeps me going, then I put it up for sale.

How do you get started when faced with a blank surface? Let me and my readers know in the comments below. And…..happy painting.